…this blog, that is.*

My first novel, Long For This World, is scheduled for March 2010 release from Scribner.

Since I’m new to the publishing thing, and maybe some of you are too, I thought I’d blog here about the process — all things Long For This World-related, broadly speaking (more like the literary life in general) between now and when the thing is actually between hard covers (clad in evocative, alluring jacket art, of course) in a bookstore or on a Web site near you.

About this blog’s subtitle: there is likely nothing new I can say about the experience of writing or publishing a novel. Except that it’s a pretty weird time on the planet — the economics of everything, the tools of mass communication, the rise (rise? emergence? triumph? hard to say…) of self-publishing and DIY arts production and distribution. Everything’s spinning and turning — exhilaratingly for some, nauseatingly for others.

Thanks for visiting, and for your interest. I hope you’ll come along for the ride…

Click here, or on the Reviews & Trailer page link to the right for more info about Long For This World.

*this blog was conceived in February 2009

9 Responses to “About”

  1. Jin Cho Says:

    Very cool blog site! Once a friend.. always friend!!! Glad we reconnected!

  2. Andrea Says:

    I’m really enjoying your blog! My first novel, Ngozi, is being published by Random House UK at the end of 2010, which seems like a million years away. Apparently, though, this is also relatively soon in publishing terms! :P

    • sonyachung Says:

      Congratulations, Andrea — a great accomplishment. It does feel like a long time between contract and release. Hang in there. And thanks for reading!

  3. Tom Says:

    Can’t wait to read the book!!

  4. Victoria Says:

    Hi Sonya: Looking forward to getting a signed copy of your book at the Brookline Booksmith on March 25th. Were you able to arrange a date at Newtonville Books?
    Victoria Shea
    P.S. I liked what Junot Diaz had to say about the State of the Union Address. No story=lack of connection. Really too bad, I am still an Obama fan.

    • sonyachung Says:

      Hi Victoria — Newtonville unfortunately didn’t work out, but looking forward Booksmith! Look forward to seeing you.

  5. Dax Says:

    Just pre-ordered my copy on Amazon. Looking forward to reading it. Congratulations, Sonya!

  6. Ellen Steinbaum Says:

    Loved this book! I just put up a blog post about it at http://www.ellensteinbaum.com/blog. Thank you for this great pleasure.

  7. sonyachung Says:

    Ellen, thank you so much. I’m so glad you enjoyed it.

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